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Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature -

Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature - : The glittering city aroundLife is rich with red, blue light of neonWide sky over the headPieces of moonlight, scatteredAnd in that splashed pieces of meteorThose are taken by the scientists of NASASo height the civilization reachesThis city is the flow of happiness nowSome men like us pass the wayWith frustration

The reform of Shah Waliullah and Shah Abd al-Aziz

Shah waliallah muhaddith dehlawi1 was born in 21st February 1703. It was at the end of reign of Aurangeb and the time of waning of Muslim power in subcontinent. Aurangzeb died in 3rd march 1707 literally the sun of Mughal rule set down. Shah waliullah’s childhood and boyhood passed through in such a time when the Muslims were facing a social and political turmoil. They were not only losing their social and political identity but also being far from Islamic rituals. Shah waliullah started recitation and memorization of holy Quran at the age of five and completed it by the age of seven. His father was his teacher. He taught him different school of learning and at the age of seventeen when his father died he became a mudarris (teacher). He started teaching at the madrasha of rahimiyya2 established by his father. He was there for 12 years. In 1731 he started for Mecca3 to perform holy hajj and reached there in 21st may. After performing hajj and learning a lot on Quran and Hadith he came back to Delhi on January 1, 1733.

He was a great Islamic scholar and became very famous for his writings and oratory in his life time. Among his prolific writings the most notable was translation of Quran into Persi, Hazzatallahil Baligha, Ijtihad (independent interpretation : whether it is obligatory for a Muslim to adhere to one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence or whether one can exercise his own judgment) and Taqlid (conformity) etc. He tried his level best to enrich the morale and lifestyle of the Muslims of subcontinent. He died on August 20, 1762.

Born on 1745, Shah Abdul Aziz4, the eldest son of shah waliullah, was one of the greatest Islamic scholars in the sub-continent. He successfully played the role of his father for the last days of his life. He wrote many books. Among them Fatawa-i-Aziz, Tafsir-i-Aziz, Tawba Ithna Ashari were the most famous books. After his father he was considered as the greatest scholar and muhaddith of the subcontinent. The proverb “like father like son” is really true for him.


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