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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024


A necessary preamble

In the year of 1999 a prominent philanthropic man as well as a recognized banker established a bank named Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. On the 3rd of the August of the same year it had started its operation through opening a branch in Motijheel, the capital of banks. As time passed it has got its shape and silhouette. Its 13 years history is full of achievement and accomplishment. Now it is in such a good position that people as well as organizations consider it as a factor of the financial activities of the country. But the bank is not overwhelmed with joy. It has a vision to touch the line of great success. And it seems that the bank is going on the right track.   

The Flavor of Banking

As it is named as Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd, EXIM does not deal with limited areas of export and import. It has a wide area of its operation which includes deposit hunting through various modes like MTDR, MMSS, MMIS, MSSS, DENMOHOR, CASH WAQF, HAJJ Deposit and so on. It is really a matter of great pleasure that it has two wings in UK and Canada for collecting foreign remittance.  Besides it has also extended its services through Western Union Money Transfer, XpressMoney, ELDORADO, BEFTN, etc. It has an increasing network of ATM booth both for debit and credit card.

Not only these, EXIM offers a good number of investment modes for its deficit units. Through Bai Muazzal, Bai Murabaha, IBB, Bai Salam, etc. It is enhancing its investment services throught the years among all types of clients. Really it is a matter of rethink that a bank of only thirteen years age holds such a wide portfolio like these. We wish a brilliant tomorrow for EXIM Bank.

Its Prodigy Over Years

At the time of inception of AB Bank (First Private Bank in the country), it has no competitor in the market. People wanted to get the taste of a new type of banking services. It was its great advantage. But in 1999 when EXIM Bank came to the operation it was considered a third generation private bank. So, in the mean time two generations had already been passed. The market was tight and tense. The competition was at its pinnacle. So it was very hard for EXIM Bank to be a good bank. But EXIM did it with its utmost effort and charismatic move. That is why it may be called the matador of the banking sector. In the course of its operation, in 2004 it was converted from traditional banking to Islamic banking which provided immense help in its growth. So we can consider it as a milestone. Recently it introduces offshore banking. So EXIM is sincere to fulfill the demand of the time.

In the last 13 years of its operation there were many challenges. The world economic depression, Asian volatile economic conditions, uprising price of foreign currencies, wars, Tsunami, drought, rainfall, unrest in garments sector, political unrest in home and abroad, fuel crisis, power failure, vulnerable energy sector etc. hamper a lot. But these were not able to stop its growth. Data proves it at large. In 2011 it had a growth of 136% for its half yearly profit. It proves its prodigy over years.

Pioneer of Employee Welfare

There are many banks who only think of their profit. It seems that profit is their only motto. But EXIM is different not only in its salary structure, but also its incentive policy and other facilities like house loan and ESSS facility attracts a lot. Employees always feel fresh in working here. There is no complexity in promotion, training, awards, and providing increments. It is really a good practice.

CSR: EXIM’S Top Priority

Since its inception EXIM had a fundamental outlook to do welfare to the society. From beautification to building over bridges, from providing ambulance to provide financial support to the distressed, from clothing to the poor to making shelter for vulnerable groups, EXIM extends its hands to everybody and everywhere. Not necessary to say that EXIM provides education scholarship above one thousand students and provide Qard E hasana above two hundred students all over the country.  EXIM provides many a handsome amount to the prime Minister’s relief fund from time to time due to flood, tornado and other disasters. Of course it has a foundation named EXIM Bank Foundation. We can add that EXIM has a charity hospital at Mirpur and going to establish a modern university within a short period of time.

In Fine

Whatever it is there is no doubt and debate that EXIM is unique not only in its name but also in its activities. EXIM does not need any privilege. It only wants its right receivables. Such an organization does not need any ones help. But it needs cooperation from everybody to maintain its growth. As a part and parcel of the organization our desire is to see it at the pinnacle of the banking sector. Wishing its all the best.


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