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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024


"A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." Mahatma Gandhi


Give me burn
Throw black rubbish to me
Dark smoke, dark and dishonor.

Make me injured
With unethical attack serious.

Crucify me with poisonous arrow
Crossing the limit of humanitarian apology;

Bent me down the body
With abundant blood all over
Yet I shall say you
'I love, I love you' only.


In all the irregularities
In all the indiscipline
I have turned up
To declare only my existence

When under the earth
Destruction of atom bomb is being
Done with man terrorized on the earth

When a maiden mother
Is engaged with planned conspiracy
Of destroying life of her child
In an established nursing home

And when some spoiled young men
Are much eager on
How to get the warmness
Of the body of a damsel
In secret from all

And then I have com here
To declare my arrival in such
Immorality of men having no conscience

When the evil intellectuals of the imperialists
Make playing materials in the torn
Bed of the poor of the third world
And they are making joy
And when people unlimited are crying
To the sky and amidst the naked child
Having been with his distorted cry
And then some wild men are throwing
Fatal weapons to their face
And also some documents ill thoughts
In the broad day light
Then in such primitive barbarism
I have come here
Only to declare my right in the world.

Not even the brain of little children
Are being relieved of
In the evil policy and shrewdness
When the time is li9ke this
And in the name of global politics
And in the controlled evil education
The companions of satan are being created
And in the shed of good conduct
With false hope the net of exploitation
Are being spread, yet in such sins
I have come to declare my existence.

Some men of the society are throwing
The packet of drug in the name of peace
But in fact to destroy men in the dark of night
And even when in the hand of
Lustful debouche the innocent baby
Is not safe at a least
Then in this festive delight of hell
I have come to tell about me.

When the things are going on
With lust and affection being
A heinous aesthetic fight
Being so naked and serious
And when the mother of child
Are giving life in lonely noon
Under the devil poisonous hand
Yet in such heinous conditions
I can not hide myself any more.

My eyes become closed
When in broad day light an adolescent
Kisses suddenly a girl and with no
Hesitation he touches a blooming bud
Or in the name of friendship
A young man plunders the
Decorated chastity  of a damsel untouched
I can not then remain silent.

So my existence is to be declared
Against all brokers and cheats
Who make the disaster of men
In the name of business and stop
All against them forever like violent animals

And so I protest against the secrecy and
All deceit and unavailability
Of an autocrat and his whore.

So, I have to open my voice
I have to spit against the evil doings
Of all distinguished persons
Remaining in the university and also
To the tress passer with arms
And I need to tell, not here, not there
Or to tell the thing ought to be
And the way should be held
The enchant of a damsel, laugh of child
Shy of a girl, simplicity of an adolescent.


Love means crossing the bridge
Painful throughout the day and night
Love means fear to loss
In the  heart of  large desert.

Love means talking with you
Day and night always
And to be burn in fire always
Having the untold feelings in heart.

Love means seeing dream unlimited
Love means counting days
In secret and in secrets.

Love means staring to you
Without glance of eye
Love means drawing your portrait
With the feelings of heart.

Love means sitting in road side
Under the shade of a tree
Love means to make the secret
More secret in life.

Love means always walking
On sand so hot like fire
Love means in the sleep
Telling always about her.

Love means the happiness of
Rolling on the green grass
Love means drops of sorrow
Those become frozen in all.

Love means a tired time
The poisonous burn of waiting
Love means the garland beautiful
After a lot of sorrow.

Love means bewildered spring
Long through the year
Love means the roses and flowers
And blood red foliage.

Love means making own
More and more desired
Love means forgetting all
The sorrows and pains all.

Love means the happiness
Of getting more in nothing
Love means the tune of music
And an appearance of any sorrow.

Love means the leg with wound
In abundant hot sand
Love means a soft wound
In the deepest of the heart.

Love means the nearest day
Or it is more closed
Love means budding tree
That have fruits in hidden.

Love means an impassable way
Like a hilly slope
Love means soft and hard
Glacier  and glaciers.

Love means the fall way of river
Abundant tide and tides
Love means rolling idle
In the beach of the sea.

Love means sin and virtue
The foolish concept of norms
Love means only the silliness
And all the clowning.

Love means touching hands
And talking and talking each
Love means going side by side
Only for two lives.

Love means the limitless source
Secret flow of life
Love means the maiden gold
Being amazed in delight.

Love means you and me
And there is nothing more
Love means the sweet dreams
And so fear and fear false.

Love means a forest land
Full of violent serpent
Love means a sea damsel
That kisses the beach.

Love means a deep canyon
Blowing air adverse
Love means being with hair
Unfolded in that mad wind.

Love means talking with self
And with none there
Love means tune of music
The art that does not speak.

Love means making play of ducks
In the water to them
Love means the moon of sky
The comet name Helly.

Love means forgetting always
All the past affairs
Love means drawing art
Attachment of different kinds.

Love means the bud of fruits
The sweet smell of flower
Love means the desired place
Of only you and me.

Love means river and woman
And all their enchants
Love means falling silent
The fountain of blood.

Love means a beginning
With one two and three
Love means the rhythmic dance
Sound of telling verses.

Love means two borders
And the disputes of  them
Love means procession meeting
And all scandals.

Love means sorrow and frustration
The weakness after the day
Love means a little comfort
A little exhaustion.

Love means a sleepless night
Meaningless talks and talks
Love means restlessness and
The entire sweet disturbances.

Love means a more and more
And much more than these
Love means a black damsel
Or a golden hair having.


Life in practice
Walks far away from the expectation
They become step brothers
To each other of them;

I talked the existing situation
And I then returned
But found with dismay
That there is no reality.


None is so unfortunate
In this vast world
Who have the loves
For the river and woman.

The river flows only
And about woman
Never has she come back.


I shall come with no hesitation
A human being me In a stormy night
If you call me standing in my eye sight
I shall hide the death fear
So you don't think me coward
In fact all are same, the brave also trembles
But not tell and that is the difference
He becomes a brave man

When you call that make standing strong
Snatching me back from the age and death
I traveled the world within a moment
With my eyes like metal ball
Tell me you only
Who and who are to be moved
From the way of your proceeding
I shall remove all the thorns, killers
From the wide road of roses.

Only for once, you call me
I am with no sleep to hear call
In the life of loveless life in
Frustration and in failure
A desire at least one remain for all
Who does not have a heart?
And if the thing is like so
Then I can jump on your call
In deep dark well with endless ground
No and no, that's not right
I want only a hand of you.


You call me and talk then
This also a kind of pride of you
In fact you want to show mw your wideness
The area you cover, your domestic wealth
Wide veranda, the made of things
Of black hard wood
But you forget
The heart is of dark very much.


In the face of your thirst
You have thrown yourself
Never you have been down to the dew
Never you proceeded hand
To the water clear
Only you have thrown you
To your thirst endless.


In this place under this wreckage
The city one was enthusiastic
Slaves and dancers, large flower garden
Trees in rows all were here
In this place under this wreckage
The city one was excited with joy.

There were poets, philosophers
Mathematicians, astronauts, chemists
And were weavers, carpenters, masons
Lotus leaves were abundant
And also were mythical birds
Under this wreckage place here
The city was dazzling and zealous.

There were woman lack of gratification
Some were not satisfied with
Living with other wife of husband
And some had no children
Some were addicted, having drug
Throughout night came to the house
And some were attached with wife
Having been submissive to them
Hundreds of workers were there
Worked with no sound in mouth
They had dream to make grandeur city
In this place under this wreckage
The city one was so delighted.

There were hawkers so many
In the leisurely noon came
Remained talking with housewives
The guards were sleepless
Talked with self in imagination
There were thieves and worshippers
Cleaners, gatemen and cheats
There were wizard many
With the artifice hands of them
In this place under this wreckage
The city one was enthusiastic.
There were elephants and horses
Hers of boars and asses
There were many trees and branches
The birds have nests in the room corners
Talked with house men silently
Many lusting wives passed nights
With the desire to get pleasure
From their husbands, lost the hidden
Honey of the lusting body of them
In such place there was a city
Under the wreckage that was crowded.

Many men came to the city
Some of them remained forever in love
None have cried out
After how many days they have come
Everything is changed or told everything
Is remaining as before as they saw
Many have lost their own nearer persons
Dozens of men died in disaster
In such place there was a city
Under the wreckage that was delighted.

The wings of birds with dream were spread
In the mind of so many girls.
The days in number they passed
In the fear and terror surroundings.

Disaster came so many times
Like the killer sent by eternal power
Many searched out their own
In the leisure of the evening
So many have cropped the loneliness
In the heart sitting idle
So many passed their sleepless night
With love and then came to the life
Bowing heads to the defeat
In this place there was a city
That was crowded under the wreckage.

Many  lost their ways in beginning life
And then returned to own country and home
Many have their grand livings
Having grand building like palace
The had everything, cars and horses
Beautiful woman and the with
The loan of life increasing
Have gone to the point of end
Under this wreckage here
The city was once so much delighted.

Many were camouflaged being
Devoid to the existence of creator
And many have searched
Where the happiness of life
And what they got are all unknown
To them and never it will be seen
Opening the page of past life
Under this wreckage here
The city was once so much excited.

So many girls had their night passed
For love tryst in secret in much joy
The prohibited lust created tremble
Of winter in their hot body
So many beggars have shouted
And the spy in disguise came there
In search and moved day and night
Under this wreckage here
The city was once so much delighted.

So many disabled helpless and impotent
Have made them ended
Defeating to themselves
So many nights were full moon
And so many nights were deep dark
And they came to the city
So many yards were delighted
With the crowd of small
Glasses became pieces with their laughs
The learned singers had songs
With so sweet voice and so he
Earned the respect of an artist
Under this wreckage here
The city was once so much delighted.
So many were alone searched own
So many were deprived believing others
The have died with their beliefs
Many were headstrong, selfish, greedy
And many saw their naked shout
Under this wreckage here
The city was once so much delighted.

Many have chased the chastity of woman
There were many wicked in the city
And they had no norm of them
There were abundant sinners
There were sinners losing chastity of girls
So many undesired birth were there
With curse of birth in them forever
Many had love from far again and again
And that can not be possibly  counted
In this place under this wreckage
The city one was excited with joy.

Many opened the cage
Allowed the pet bird to spread wings
And that bird has never returned
To house it loves more than many things.


Here you will find me
You come once and see me
My heart is so soft
Like the powder of rice
If you want
You can give their
Some drops of water of kindness
See then, how the thing
Become delicious
Within a moment
And that is called 'love'.


I make always mistake to give stop
Either small or big
If the damsel is a poem any
And one mistake such
Makes everything lost totally
The meaning becomes opposite
And this happens to me always;

So when I saw her now and then
At the turning point of road
By the side of the pond
And I was supposed to be sorry
I became enormously laughing.


You my dear with no example
Tell me a lyric of night
And that is your life.

My unparallel beauty
Please tell me a lyric of day
And that is my life.


I went to you everyday
Wearing a yellow dress
I remain sitting thereafter
The day passes and evening comes
I see the white crane
In the sky with clear appearance
I see my bird walking on green grass
You are my small bird, my parrot
My sparrow in the room corner nest
And I am your grey cat
The primitive monkey
I am restless now to remain sitting
Please stare to me or
I shall jump on you and shall
Make you hurt right and
You will not tell then me
That I am a primitive monkey.


The complex chemical of blood and flesh
With eternal tremble of separation in heart
You or any other on a sudden day comes;

Again and again comes to me in imagination
As if a fact not in reality
Covered with smoke unbelievable
The burden of life moves up and down
In a divided unmoving want and dismay
With will of going to somewhere
Which have no destinations

Some helpless surprise of losing way
In the desert unlimited come in my front
And the endless questions
Also come to me in crowd.


What is the sorrow in my heart?
Like the pain of giving birth of new
Sorrow like stopping breathe
Like death being drowned in water
Sorrow of losing something valuable
Sorrow of not getting not telling
Abundant sorrow, sorrow like
Drops of rain, failing to mate, loss of way
Sorrow of breaking dream and only sorrow.
Sorrow in cluster, sorrow here and there
Sorrow in strong, loose, new, old
Sorrow of different shapes
Sorrow sharp, heavy, smooth, wide like sky
Sorrow like deep of ocean, high hill
Only the sorrow and sorrow in different
And all these are for you
I lost everything with sorrow, yet sorrow
Sorrow of losing all, so sorrow
Heaps of sorrow and sorrow
And sorrow of my heart.


You are not to me if I want
Is it possible to remain like this
Without getting you to my near;

What the meaning will be
If I am without you
Is it possible think!


I understand the silence of stone
Loneliness of mountain, touch of grain
But not you, what the mystery you have?
What is that illusion covers you
What is the myth I search always
It is better to have dream
Once you came to my dream
So smooth and soft your touch
Like the soft grass of the garden
Like the sound of dew your step
Just at my side you came
Kept soft your hand on my forehead
And then called me with love
So sweet the sound of call was
Like murmuring of falling leaves
Which can only be heard in heaven
I woke up and found the world
Is full of abundant light.


Flash  and gone down
Some eyes with their own dazzling
A number of learned men
And God then thinks
Are they able to understand?

Some dismayed  hearts
With concealed pains
Cries without sight of others
And God then thinks
Will they be able to know?

some heads with loaded burns
Have so many thoughts
In restlessness kept lifelong
And God then thinks
Are the also able to understand?


If the sight goes suddenly
To the wide open dried heart of river
Opening the window front
Sandy bed of river like glimpse
Floats like the pieces of ice
My hearts then burns with cry
To go to that sandy bed
I wish to  whisper to you calling
Let's go to the sandy bed of river
Let's go to the water
To shingles, to the oyster ....
A primitive light coming out
From the hard stone
A beauty of bewildering hairs
Remains in touch of your neck
Being the beautiful gesture there;
Remain some wild species, scorpion
To your naval area
A number of snakes hostile
Just at the middle of your thigh
And play with their own whim
I never call you then
In such moonlit night.


In my early age gave me
While playing and told me to leave
In the water of the summer
And you will see hoe far goes floating
And there will be abundant happiness;

I kept it to my heart
There were so many talks
In the fold of paper boat
There is no such verse of love
In the whole world
And it was heavenly ashes
Full of sorrows in heart.


I have come from the primitive stage
And now remain with the modernity
You search me far and far
Being desirous of my attachments.


That mixes in the depth
Of existence and that
Never lost in the crowd;

That acquaintance is silent
And great with purity
Even after death
It remains dazzling forever.


One more name of promise
Ant that is guard of words

The satisfaction remains over
In the deep of heart
The dryness enormous.


The paper boat I have floated
In the water;

And that tell all
I am a child
In my youth.


Pieces of decorated beauty
I keep at last in the fold of time

The idiot also understand the scarcity
How much the taste fascinating

Not I am of blood color
Though I am blood
Not even faded my dazzling shelter

Some tell me art gift of mysticism
My expression is silent
But make up is with sound.


The wreckage of rolling
Creates a rise and fall violent
And then everything is quiet
Being a very skilled craft

Only the stair of dream
Increases in waiting
A wide cloth
Having a lots of fold there.


Being returned from the estuary
Remain sitting in the origin of river
With no care she asks
What's the wrong you came here?


No harm if the thing is normal
But becomes so pure

Take it to your body
With no hesitation
If the soil is of your country;

What is own country?

The expansion of time surround
The men is their country
Some cries to her and some clap
And then tell
Oh! What a nice thing, fine and fine.


Abundant thoughts in my mind
When I climb through stair
That the key of life
Is with the hands of God;

I forget myself absolutely
When I get down through the stair
And then I think me all
There is nothing even God.


Endless beauty you have
And it is unparallel and captivating
As if the dry land with beauty
Under the endless water

The same is your failure
In the humanity and love
I have pity on you
As your beauty is of no result.


So sad! No companion with him
Helpless alone at riverside
The tide has brought him
And the ebb will take him down
To the crowd of shark.

May be he was innocent, peaceful
Lost his life for drowning boat
Or a man like animal has taken
The smell of warm blood of life
None even the nature has saved him
Not even the power, wealth abundant
May be he was not a happy man
May be his dearest left him alone
Not being able to understand him;

No. May be he was a bad man
And why then mournful to him I?
Yet he was a man
And all the bad leave the dead.


Not so easily I shall agree
That blood of cry will come
And snatch me
My dear, I tell you clearly
I shall never be down
To your will as you desire.

Not all the rivers go
To the desert
Not the deception of
Mirage takes all to destruction
I feel only for you innocent
You can't come back
To me ever in life.


Not tomorrow or late than it
I want your promise today
You touch my sweating hands
Under this hot sun enlightened
Or there will be news once more
Next day of a death sudden
In the pages of newspapers.

All the people will then
Raise pointing hands to you -
A killer (I don't want to see you convicted)
They will spit to you with hate
(This will be intolerable to you)
As I like throwing petals to you
They will take you to main jail
Under accusation of killer
(How can I tolerate? You know
Your place is in the core of my heart
And never it is a jail
But a place of unlimited peace)
You will be rotten and melted
Through decades and decades
(No. That can't be. I want to make
You survive thousand of years)
Is it possible to save you at the end
From the hands of sure destruction
That remains hidden in the cave of future.


We become lost not known where
Keeping the files open in office
And our bosses will not know any day.

Remember the summer one
We had been far in the an evening
We talked much meaningless
And at last seeing your hurry to return
In the evening I laughed enormously
I have never seen you so afraid.

And once we had been showered in rain
Could you remember you embraced me
For fear of fever and told
When we shall die then our tears
Like rain drops will fall to the ground
And at times will sleep being tired.

The whole winter you remained covered
With heavy clothes, but the beauty did not
Leave you and I found you once
In the midst of fogs on the way
And I had no more enchanting memory
Throughout the said whole winter

Still I remember while going through the way
I shall see your face waiting in the window
I forget the burden of polite memory
When I don't know
In the midnight I opened the book
And found the blue lotus
Remaining in the fold of pages of book.


Aankhi is not the name of a girl
Yet she appears like a girl
To far and very far to nature
A burning incense left neglected.

Aankhi is not the name of a girl
But she is an unparallel beauty
Yet like a girl.


Kring kring kring  ........

Monalisa, still you are alive
With such ugly sound
Why do you remind me?

The low range competitor
Sleeps deeply with me
Encroaching my ear

Suddenly the phone from Sweden
Calls me in midnight.


With no care your slovenly hair
Comes on my face with air flapping
So near you are standing

Flower and trees are no where
Except your presence

Yet abundant scent surrounding us
I feel in my sense, no destination
And that comes touching your body

In me the wild desert with dust.


Obscene love covered with sweet words
Yet its tune in the deep secret feelings
In all my existence you remain unseen
Hear the music in far horizon;

Nothing to your loving eyes
Amusement is made by
Smoke of imagination
I catch to my hand the stone
Having no life and about to end

You tell only the separate plea
Keep the spring song to the pot
You take all the honeys and
Give the poison to poisonous cup

That eternal skill with bite of serpent
Search the night story lusting
You want to go before delight
And not hear the song of isolation.


Just end the lust
Bowed down the insane stand
Sweats cover your body
And with hesitation I call you dear

You tell with trembling eyes with sleep
The half of the night still left
Awoke with grace skill from deep
Not the eyes dies with life hard

You move to me keep hand on me
The youth laughs with your touch
The river and pond silent out
And sounds in the deep of heart

I don't know what my hands search
In the joined midst of you
The heavenly flower there
And that is your shy land

Night not in order spreads
Endless thrust, poisonous serpents
Spread the breath of lust
Now only you and me or
The hope of attachment through life.


She called me to fruit forest
To hear the song of spring
A surprising restlessness attacks me
Secret lust awakes in the mind

My dear, that was the first I go with all
Still then the sun in horizon far
Gentle breeze
Fire in the sky, no cloud
Yet the fear not known
Spreads it's wing expanded

The amazing you, to whom I tell that
Feelings of satisfaction were always
In the hair, the full delight covered her
And the mind was in want again and again

Not for much time the eyes could endure
Stopped so taking near you
And then the crowd of thousand stars
And think I was not in the world

The lusting news come in silent sleep
The dirt deposited like tiredness
The neck is nice with sweat
Satisfaction brings in mind

In the light of the day I hate
The woman so negligible
In the night she becomes a flower
Under the dress she is more attractive

No recovery of emotion, no light
It's wrong to get comfort in dark
Yet the coil is skill in bind
Spreads to the back the black hair

If neglected may be emotional
But it is false she knows
Yet she starts, my dear she
With the war of delight of the body

Lemon scent comes in midnight
Air flow today is aimless
My dear is now opening dress
And now the restless play will start

I tell her to stop, come near
This eagerness is  for whom
He has the druggy night in eyes
The thrust of verse
In that the decree of peace
So early after going to the end
Why the pride be sold

Keep the peak of chest hard
Bring wizard play in back beauty
Make a strong storm in your secret
And this will be end with the breathe

I know the dance of her can't be end
The strong is never lasting to peak
If the role is played in embrace
The play expands
And the last struck is happiness
And that ends with fall.


Gloomy the face under the  wild hair
Drops of black spots with mourning tears.

The garland is nice at neck of crane
The heart hanging at the fold of chest
See the dress attaching the body
And that is below far from the navel.

The proper fold in the waist
A little twisted the hip big
That resembles the lusty woman
And enjoys body denoting love.


I have searched a lot
A lonely hand, seeing the shadow
Of your touch
I have walked so far
And that when I knew
There may be some times flowers
By the side of the road
And the rose garland of a garden
Is never much shining than it
So I can throw the air of my heart
To you and shall have no hesitation.


News of condolence is published proper
The news of losing a little boy
Statistics of financial index lowering
And also the account of corruptions
Endless news of being disheartened
And also there is some achievement
But I have seen in the news today
No appreciation is written about you.


Smelling wind I can tell
What is the season, what flower blooms
But before will have to be blind and honest
What's the value of the river
That does not destroy its bank.

Don't have any disappointment to me
I shall agree to you as whole
All the blanks I shall cover with love
These world and heaven full of worse

You desire to have absolute right
So what? I shall give it to you
If the destruction of you brings tide
What that will do to me!


The violence I am the great poet
I destroy everything with my dart of eyes
A little disappoint of you send me to end
Burns all my bones silently and silently.


None is waiting for me
Very far they all have gone
I am sitting alone left behind
Then where will be my destination.


Lively breathe sounds in the forest
And I rushed to be one of them
That God  makes order to me
To leave behind the burden of life.


Never the river is created by spring
As that have no place of origin
All are not poets for frustration and sorrow
That must have some absolute errors.


Please keep your feet forward
I shall kiss in your instep

No, nothing to be shy my dear
Not very less aggressive lover I am
I can cover all your shy and sense
With my body.


The honest and innocent all
Moves to the right way and that
Is told to me from within me.
I tell, who are you to stop
Early reply ..... the life long adoration.


Time has not yet made him bending
Still the sharp arrow he holds
Unearths all the matters and practices
But fails to get in the heart of woman.


Night has rushed and stopped
The lips of the dancer
Stopped the illusion of wines and grandeur
Now the place with no fear
The bangles of foot left to the floor.


You told the lust has its own taste
And I have also the same opinion
So your love like flowing river
Runs to the ocean with diverse ways.

????????? OF SORROW

Gets the image of own
Composed of so many small pieces
In the same size ever and eternal
Yet the calmed arrow with no barrier
Invaluable the wealth with delight of heaven.



When in the midnight she comes
To my door and my existence
Knows nothing about the arrival
I call her to be wife
And she never hears me nothing

Ups and downs of heap talk so many
Irresistible want trembles in heart
And to reply it I make
Many debates whichever I think

But no affect of this silliness
Grace of body is more than verse
So many  the sharpness thigh joint clear
On the upper the beauty dances

The glimpse of flower peeps again and again
There is question of claim of whom more
Who have such diverse arts
Who is more desirous than her.


River banks, glasses all break
And the body, sky of heart breaks
When, that I don't know -

Breaks in hundreds of pieces
Disbelieve strikes lightening
A neglected forecast not important


So many men, no place is vacant
The left out land is now garden house
Like chess board soldiers
The houses are dense side by side
And the serpent red living in false house

The dark room as if a wide world
And it is living only in the ovary.


All over the epidemic now
Death ailments have covered
The sky, air and water
Only the death in habitats
Even the breathing of men
Is silent, slow, undesirably slow

Death is sure to whom
As will come out of den
And so the respect takes
The hunting dog with greatness
And such is the scripture of luck.


Know thy, there is stair
To rise to the sky
And this has enumerable steps
Body of it is made of air existence
Sun light is curse for her life;

Fair design in red and blue
Very lusting attractive call of her
Silvery attachment remains in folds
Unlimited blue in up and water in below.


I feel well that I remain in your feeling
Whole night in the signal of lust
Touching silvery body of the moon
And there I remain having rebirth

I want to be left out things like bed
In the morning, and remain in hidden
With lusting emotion of stare different
No shy, remains in kind thirst

I remain in eternal separation
Keeping me in the room with no hole
Keeping me lightened in merit
And thought that is endless hunger
In he deepest corner of you.

I am at the way end and at the side
Secret emotion I was in beginning
But want to come to you and
Want to remain to the highest happily

I was in born and after live I will
So near like two parts of door
The beauty of leaves is for me
And remaining behind flower
With the hurt of  spike

Remaining in pain not determined
In the isolated land like duck
Two eye lids are caught by me
Like the poems of love

Remaining on head being the lord
Fall like rain day and night
I am in tired and in rest also
Remaining as the dear book on table

Remaining the attractive one o0n you
And in soft pain in the deep
I am in hurt and hurt and in tremble
In front of all but very secret.


Being dressed with flower you are
In hesitation not known
Remains awaken night whole
Open the bindings of love
With innate shy become undressed
Softly keep the mouth on the chest

And then lust unlimited
So sweet smell in the love
With much neglect you give me
And getting it I the neglected person
Shout with delight and pain

The smell comes from the far
The moonlight falls from heaven
Resonance I hear in our love
As if the love making of
Thousands of men women

Whenever you stuck me with lust
I the bird with no way  so gloomy
Soft garland sounds with pause
The secret  corner of heart is
Filled in with unknown emotion

The gardener who nourishes the flower
The smiling face who has seen this
Must there be jealousy in her cool stare
The endless sky with beauty of moon

You are also lusting like her
You are delighted with resource of body
You see the attraction only
And in going feeling makes you overwhelmed.


Why I am a human being in this
World of unrest, I think some times
It was better to be a bird
I could fly to the sky unlimited
Spreading my wings beautiful
So delight could be
And then, what is the significance
Of this human birth.

I could be bird
And then
Who would be the brother
To bind the sister with thread of love

And if I would cry
Who came to me with loving hands
To wipe out tears from eyes.


I shall go there
Where there is purity, peace undisturbed
Consolation natural, chastity in the flower
Left out after night
Love there is in the fold of petals
Love there is in the pollen

There is hope in the hurt of life
The mountain which banded to one
I shall go there
Flow of blood in the heart
Is not fluent, but with the endeavor
To survive always I shall go to a spring
All the lost, ailments and death crafts
Will survive touching its water
That which will give the relief
After bath, I shall go there

I shall go to the source
Where there is all achievements of life
There is mystery unlimited
In the silent place of peace
That makes the life dream difficult

Where there is the creator found
When staring lying on the grass
And that makes the heart overwhelmed
In the tray of life, I shall go there

Heard only the name of great
I have never seen him
But I dream with much audacity
To go to that unknown
To survive from the death and death

Lifelong the tired body of me
For which the stone waits to take
I shall go there with bare foot

I shall not see back
If you call, I shall not come
I shall go only to that purity.


They are gossiping
The boy in up and the girl below

One, two, three, four, five .....
Grass, straw, dried leaves and branches
Cover of snail, broken glass
Iron with rust, heaves of dried leaves
Lost doll of the small girl
Dirty combs, broken bangles, ear ring
Some left behind days of women
Some memory left by men

Mid day, lonely, open sky
The serpent's left cover
Pieces of broken pots, red soil
A top, a pair of old shoes
They are gossiping
The boy in up and the girl below

Creeping body, fade button, old coin
The first blood that falls from
The body of the girl, the cover of
Dead small stones, some cracks
In the earth body, the excreta of
Earth worm and it is soil exact

Mother and father have fear endless
Searching here and there, it's nothing
The meaningless and excess

The boy and the girl
They are lying side of each
Is they are gossiping, not understood

Sharp heat, sunlight through leaves
Being arrow bending crossed
The secret of the girl, origin of boy
The cuckoo is crying some where
One, two, three, four, five ....
The trembling hands of the boy
Is on the pillow soft body of the girl
Hurt with sharp nails, blooded
Not understood whether
They are gossiping.

 Advanced with much audacity
I shall go to you and health and peace
The greatness of silence in the fold of
Leaves of flowers graceful
Lusting will of the soft petals
I shall go the pollen
I shall go to beauty and taste
With the loving dialogues of heart
I shall go to the endless
Where the light end gradually.

If you call then only once
I shall go to the forest of Mahua
With the light of life to the waiting dark
The resource you keep concealed
Under your dress, graceful unlimited
I shall be to your open bed like sly cat
Remains to the side pillow
Soft and beautiful, polite and fierce
Any day may be that day
With the grace of our love
Covered all the beauties
Overwhelmed with the sharpness of same
In the existence of illusion nice

I shall go when the sun will be setting
At the sand hill at the bank of ocean
Your body will come out gradually
Breaking the snail cover
To my pride of lust.


Pale like fixture of dress
My mother with sad face
I remember her
Cloudy like torn bed sheet
Lifeless skin and eyes inactive

My mother is sad as my motherland
Tired for waiting to see her son
Living in the town
In the winter evening
She bows her head under
The creep of bottle gourd
And wants her son to come back
Before ending all
Her son may come to her
Oh! the gourd may live then

She waters the loving edible things
Of the garden, her son
Likes the indigenous food with fish

Nothing she tells, silent
Like a silent field
Stands to the grave of my father
With a sacred feeling
As if a prayer carpet
She will embrace with endless love
The lifeless body of the grave

Tears drop from the eyes of my mother
The tears as if from the stone
I see a silent river flowing
Under the tear of my mother
And that is the origin of my existence.


Startled deer like you become back
In the balcony of my life and then yet
Delight of summer evening is not end
With no worry you keep far
From the fierce under the endless beauty
River wears the duck-weed as her own
And that makes me forbidden to cross

You become unknown within a moment
But you are known always to me
Small wind takes away the dirt
That's the way to remove your musk
And come out of shell then
And then your own is appeared

What is this style of modernism
You keep in the deepest of your heart
I have arranged stone piece many
For your greatness
But you cross them with neglect
With your own whims
I want you to see a stop sudden
And then you change you
Within you the great dear.

Eternity you have given
Like color of grapes to the art
Never it will be ended
Meaningless like dream of aged woman
So you cry now and then like
A sleeping child

In the kingdom of existence
And that is for all
Though the life of you out of fear
Yet sharp weapon hanging
On your head with curse

So ugly the silliness of you
But you remain good one
In the crowd with no hesitation
But when your mind
Crosses the line of body
Then it flies like a nomadic bird

Or your body crosses the limit
Of sin and virtue with no care

In fact you are an old rat
And so wicked also
So the girls enumerable know
The wizard snake hidden in your hand
Or you are an autocrat serious
In the secret kingdom
Of your lovers and obedient

In fact the whole thing is bad
As you are still the creator.


Give for me and take for you
Let it be divided between two

What is the benefit to keep
Hidden in endless resource.


Never I shall keep my love to anybody
I had been near so long now to leave

Thousand will be happy if not I am
Never they will forbid me to go

So I shall go, but don't know
What shall I get if I go forever.


Not alone, near the dears of you
A sincere servant to keep the arrow
Carefully thrown by you to hurt
Also remains a piece of cheese
Some fresh rose, small candle ....

Now I am really fresh
Near the cup of cold water
In this evening of no worry with you
I want to tell with courage
Now my eyes are obedient to me
And the heart, controlled steps
Not frequently cross the line

Dispute or love   everything
Density of love mixes
In the border line of domesticity

Whichever it is defeat or win
Nomad thoughts find own resort

The strong river sometimes
Becomes still with tiredness
Remaining near the soft soil

You remain to your pride
With simple shame of
Not knowing correct explanation
Being covered in total with
Your silly thoughts and false pride.


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