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Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature -

Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature - : The glittering city aroundLife is rich with red, blue light of neonWide sky over the headPieces of moonlight, scatteredAnd in that splashed pieces of meteorThose are taken by the scientists of NASASo height the civilization reachesThis city is the flow of happiness nowSome men like us pass the wayWith frustration

Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji and his conquest of eastern India

Born in the town of Garmsir in southern Afghanistan the Turkic orgin Khilji tribe military general, Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji conquered Bengal as the head of 18 horsemen at the end of the 12th Century. Actually, He was the Dewan-i-Ard at Ghor1.  He starteded to India in the year of 1193 and tried to enter in the army of Qutb-al-Din but was refused. Then he went more eastward and got a job under Maklik Hizbar al-Din2, then in command of a platoon at Badayun in northern India.  Malik Husam al-Din3 of Oudh4 gave him a landed estate in the south-eastern corner of modern Mirzapur district. Ikhtiyar  Khilji gathered some Muslims under his flag and soon unite his position. He started to carry out raids into neighboring territories.

Khilji's first grand success came from subjugation of Bihar5 in 1203. Through this he earned a political influence in the court at Delhi. In the same year he got his forces into Bengal. He came upon the city of Nabadwip so rapidly that only 18 horsemen from his army could keep up. Khilji went on to confine the capital Gaur6 and encroached much of Bengal. He set his headquarters at Barisal.

Ikhtiyar Khilji left the town of Devkot7 in 1206 to attack into Tibet, keeping Ali Mardan Khilji8 in Ghoraghat Upazila to look at the eastern border. The Tibet mission ended in disappointment and after his return to India, while he was lying ill at Devkot, he was assassinated by Ali Mardan. His Loyal troops under Muhammad Shiran Khilji9 take vengeance of his death and imprisoned Ali Mardan.

The expedition of Bakhtiyar Khilji lite the lamp of the Islam in the eastern territory of India. The Hindu populated Bihar and Bengal came under the Muslim rule and Islam spread day by day. The then Bengal is now one of the largest populated Muslim countries in the world.


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