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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

BNP: Its birth History

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) was born in among great turbulent situations of 1976-1977 which a new country like Bangladesh had never faced. On the eve of the 16th December 1977 in his presidential address to the people for the victory day Zia announced that he is going to form a new political front and invited political leaders to join in this front. Meanwhile he was meeting leaders from different political parties separately and sought their opinion regarding the process of democratization. On the very day of 23rd February 1978 he declared his pew party “Jatiyotabadi Ganotantrik Dal (JAGODAL). Zia’s popular 19 points programme which he justified by a referendum on May 30, 1977 helped a lot. Zia declared presidential election on 3rd June 1978. After the victory Zia set his mind to form a wider political alliance with all the democratic nationalist forces. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) was formed on this notion on 1st September 1978. The previous JAGODAL merged into BNP.

BNP actually rose against the concept of Bangalee Nationalism in order to establish Bangladeshi Nationalism. It rose to establish communalism against secularism. It rose against the myth of Indian domination. Many people believed that it was nothing but the activities of the shadow of the Pakistan and the support of Islamic world. Whatever might be the myth and reality it was true that BNP was born. It was born to fill a vacuum of time and necessity. It was the child of the time. It was the demand of the situation. It was the result of a good number of mistakes and misleads by their political predecessors. The then people might be right or wrong. It may be justified in the context of the time. But now its activities should be accordingly.

But what happened. They failed. They failed to establish a solid political ground - a sacred and sacrificed political altar where their political faiths and formalities may be stood up. In the current of the time their slogan became fade. It was turned to be a party of the beneficiaries. The main goal of the party failed and the people rejected them as they rejected others. We should keep it in our mind that not the name but the works last. They forgot this truth. The opportunity they got was lost. Who was guilty? The leaders, who were within the party or the people, who supported them blindly but never said the truth that the strategy was wrong. Yes, it was that legend that time is the best healer.


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