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Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature -

Setara bibi under the lamp post - Literature - : The glittering city aroundLife is rich with red, blue light of neonWide sky over the headPieces of moonlight, scatteredAnd in that splashed pieces of meteorThose are taken by the scientists of NASASo height the civilization reachesThis city is the flow of happiness nowSome men like us pass the wayWith frustration

Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

On the 10th May of 1857 the Sepoy Mutiny was taken place due to many grievances. Among the reasons the biteoff the paper cartridges for the Rifles of the Sepoys which were greased with animal fat namely beef and pork was instant one. With this, the doctrine of lapse1 and patriotic feelings were added as to add insult to the injured. The main players of the mutiny were first of all the Sepoys, Rani Lakshmibai2, Tantia Topee3, Prince of Oudh and the main victim of the mutiny was the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Jafar II4 after the end of the mutiny who was sent to the exile to the Burma5.

The main tragedy of this mutiny was that it was not well organized and that is why many a part played many a role. Someone remained silent whether someone helped the British. Whatever might be the feelings of the Indians the mutiny caused the death of the East India Company’s ruling in the subcontinent and it introduced the ruling of the British crown. Above all, after the mutiny the Muslims felt that they should think about them twice and took the policy of being nearer to the British. That brought a very good result for them which slowly paved the path of historical Simla Deputation6 in 1906 and further to establish the All-India Muslim League7 in the same year.

The legendary leader Sir Syed Ahmad8 organized Muslims community to be united under the favor of the British and made them advanced in education and establishment. At the same time he wrote a book named The Causes of the Indian Mutiny9 condemning the British for the mutiny for their policy in the subcontinent. The mutiny spread severely over the area of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and the Delhi region which lasted at least a long year. It was contained on 20th June 1858 after the fall of Gwalior10.


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