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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

The Firm House Conspiracy: 1885-1971


“Cabinet mission to India - Today’s debate in the commons”

“In the house of commons to-day members of all parties will join in expressing their good wishes to the cabinet mission to India which will shortly leave this country to assist the viceroy in the task, which the government were pledged to undertake in the king’s speech, of promoting in conjunction with the leaders of Indian opinion the early realization of full self-government in India.”

  • Article in The Times (London) March 15, 1946

On the nice day of 23rd March 1946, the Cabinet Mission reached in India. They reached in Delhi on 2nd April, 1946. Actually they came to succeed the stalled talks of Simla conference on June 14, 1945 lead by viceroy Archibald Wevell on where the talks stalled on the issue of selection of Muslim representatives. Till then Congress not only thought that but also tried to prove that they were the representative of Muslims of India though Muslim League denied it vehemently.

On the day of 16th may 1946, the Cabinet Mission declared their plan in order to establish a united dominion India with three groups. One group of Sind, Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, one group from Bengal and Assam. Both the groups were from Muslim majority provinces. The other group would be from Hindu majority provinces in from central and southern India. But the plan was dismissed by the congress due to the question of parity. In order to balance the power in the central.

Congress reaction on the plan on 24th may 1946:

The Working Committee considers that the connected problems involved in the establishment of a Provisional Government and a Constituent Assembly should be viewed together... In absence of a full picture, the Committee is unable to give a final opinion at this stage.

On the 16th June they offered their second plan. The plan concluded a divided India with on part from Hindu majority provinces and another part from Muslim majority India which would be renamed as Pakistan. Congress denied the latter also.

Congress reaction on the second plan on 25th June 1946:

In the formation of a Provisional or other governance, Congressmen can never give up the national character of Congress, or accept an artificial and unjust parity, or agree to a veto of a communal group. The Committee is unable to accept the proposals for formation of an Interim Government as contained in the statement of June 16. The Committee has, however, decided that the Congress should join the proposed Constituent Assembly with a view to framing the Constitution of a free, united and democratic India.

On 15th June 1946, on the eve of declaring the second plan Viceroy invited 14 men to join the interim government.

Congress further reaction on the second offer on 10th July 1946:

"Regards itself free to change or modify the Cabinet Mission Plan as it thought best."

On 29th July 1946, Jinnah denied to participate in the process to form constituent assembly on 12th August 1946. Viceroy offered Nehru to form the provisional government with 12 members. On 16th August 1946, Jinnah declared “Direct Action Day”.

On 12th February 1947 Lord Mount batten assumed the post of viceroy. Actually, he came to India to transfer the power. At least he did it and became the first Governor General of India on 15th August 1947 whereas Jinnah became the first Governor General of Pakistan from 14th August 1947. From the 15th August of 1947 Jinnah held the position till his death on 11th September 1948.

All India Muslim League which was established on 30th November 1906 became All Pakistan Muslim league from 14th August 1947. It was renamed as Pakistan Muslim League on 14th February 1949.


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