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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

If memory does not betray


Since we lost the battle of Plassey, we were in the grip of the white British and it remained for one hundred and ninety years. Though Bengal always had an individual image it is said that the whole nation of sub-continent became united under British rule for the first time and the concept of Indian nationalism was also arisen then. Many of the British elites believe that there was no India before the British rule. So, we were as the other nations were in that time.

But when the question of change came in 1905 in the name of divide of Bengal our west Bengal counterpart cried a lot and shed crocodile tears in the name of love and affection. history and heritage, feelings and bondage etc. We did not mind. It might be happened. We felt them. Still feel them. It does not matter. But in 1947, when the question of didvide came for the second time they voted against our unity. They remained with greater India rather to be a part of Bengal. Thus the Bengal lost its virginity for the first time in a real sense. So, we can say that in a gross sense if the Bengalee nationalism means the unity of thebrethern of te two parts then we can claim that it died in the summer of 1947. So, why do we cry for it?

Then a question may arise there – Is the question of Bangalee nationalism dead? or, Is it a vague and obsolete concept? No. Never. Remember, Bangalee is a nation remained and still remains, before or after, Bangladesh. The geographical boundary may change and also changed in the past. The concept of nation-state may change and get any new dimension in the course of time. But the Bangalee nation will remain till the last days of this world. So, it will not be a wise job to ignore this legacy. In the context of modern world which is highly affected by religio-politico concept the boundary concept often fails to maintain its limit and fulfill its necessity. Above all, the concept of globalization put the last nail to the coffin of so called boundary based nation-state concept. Though we are in modern age we are highly directed by the religio-politico concept which is looked like ancient or rather than the scenario of medieval age. But it is the reality of the time. The world is going on in such a paranormal way. We are the result of this psycho-religio theory of the west. The land of Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Nigeria, North Korea, Iran and many more countries which are the guinipig of this theory know it very well. Even they do not what are their faults. Innocent peoples are dying in order to prove ones superiority over others. Is it the physique of nationalism? So, there may arise a question then – What is nationalism? We do not know. It may be the heat of the passion regarding religion, state, economy, military power or any other thing which is still undefined. May be the time will clear all the obscurity regarding this. We believe that our nationalism is the interaction between the concept of Bangalee nationalism and Bangladeshi Nationalism. Whatever we think we do not deny it. We should not deny it. This is the reality.


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