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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

India: In the Heart of Darkness

India, the most democracy in the world, the second most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, the third largest GDP by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), the third largest standing army with 1.325 million members which is the ninth by the expenditure, the tenth largest economy by nominal GDP is a regional power as well as world’s sixth de facto atomic power.

Having all the records it is lagging behind large number of perennial problems. Since long it is suffering from many of its heretical problems most of which are created by the society. The social hierarchy is still a matter of great concern. Though the burning of a living wife with her deceased husband is no more in vogue and the untouchability was removed by the law in 1947, the dowry system is still like a plague. Every hour women are sacrificed due to dowry most of them succumb death through burning. The land with its distinct geographical location and diversified natural characteristics holds a lot of chronic issues. Many a people with many more views act as per their philosophy, religious belief and cultural heritage. So, the country has got a unique character of a continent. So, it is the only land which is called a sub-continent.

At the age of 2000-500 BCE the nomads from middle Asia and its adjacent regions traveled towards the north and north-west and further to the middle and south of India. This situation deteriorated the then social discipline and created caste system which humiliates the local people and made them “impure”. The oldest scripture of Hindus “Vedas” was written at that time. Actually, that time may be considered as the prime time of social reformation of which the residuals are still borne by the Indians.

Time passed. Some cities got some development. So, High performing companies notice the attraction of the world. Some rich industrialists with some media and sports personalities become the icons. But what is the real picture of the country. I had a 24-day physical visit in 2007. The experience is peculiar. Kolkata is still the city of joy. Nothing changes from the roots there. The whole India is still the largest slum of the world. India is still a country of great mocking.

In 1947, India got freedom which was awarded by the great British as a token of their long suppression. Then the only of their major party Congress came to the power. Since then rulers from various parties ruled this land. But no one tried to change their people from their heart. Only one man tried. He was “Bapuji”. But he was shot dead by the so called “Indians”. India lost its great opportunity to be fertile by “Bapuji”. After his death no one, even his great pupil, Nehru never followed him. Bapuji remained only as a symbol of their freedom as it is maple leaf for Canada. If “Bapuji” alive he must be shocked to see the Indians now a days.

Congress, so called elite political party with the opinion of secularism and a great platform of the rightists in nature, lost its tempo in some last decades. They are engaged in an asymmetric fight with antagonist Hindu dominated BJP, a hard liner aggressive party who wants to establish medieval Hindu cultures in modern India. In their ridiculous fight with their rivals they have been faded day by day. That happened due to their lacking of political fore-sightedness. Now they have salt on their skin. They are not now the so called Congress. They are an ordinary political party standing on a political platform with their other comrade parties. They have created alliance in order to survive. “Bapuji” is not enough for them. What a lot!

The Indian policymakers both from BJP and Congress are always pro active to pass the election hurdle. That is why their policies during the last some decades expressed their inner feelings. I do not want to mention any of the authorities. When they changed the names of their famous cities, they used to satisfy their ill motif by naming them as their ancient status. It seemed to me that India is going back through exhibiting their old cultural paradigm. It is a matter of great regret. Every country should go forward. But things are different. They are showing their nausiia against Hindu aggressive parties but they are patronizing communal violence in order to get the favour of the majority as well as to prove that they are Hindu dominating in mind. What a paradox. It is nothing but a matter of shame. It was the backlash of a nation, a society as well as a country.

It should not be overlooked that some of their cities become solvent in the field of industrialization as well as technology. But this is not all about a large country like “Bharat”. Oh! I forgot. The name of the country is still upon the name of an old lord whoo is also considered as one of their deity in their traditional religion.

I have no need of presenting any data in above to establish their real social picture. They are available everywhere. Women are sacrificing their life against their incapability of providing dowry. They are being burnt alive in fire. The list of communal violence is a matter of great discussion. The poverty lies everywhere in India makes the life of 1.2 billion people vulnerable. Inadequate health care is still a great concern. Terrorism, molestation of lower cast people, malnutrition as well as lack of proper clothing and education hampered this recently a lot. Actually, the amount of GDP is not always all. A country of 1.2 billion people will generate a good amount of GDP but it does not show the real picture of the society. Some people are enjoying the large portion of the total asset. Most of the people of the society are living a miserable life. The reality lies in the silence of thousands of years. The dark side of India really touches of ones heart if he feels it from the very core of his heart. I think I hear the sound of many a crying women who are getting burn into the flaming fire. The off voice of small baby girl who were killed in their embryo. So, What? India, we hope, fights back. India will overcome.


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