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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

Bad Story : Perspective Bangladesh


On the date of 8th November 1998 honorable court declares the verdict of assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The event was not the sweet one for everybody. Some of us took it as a signal against their existence. So, they tried to declare their discomfort by blasted a suicide bomb on 6th March 1999 at the festival of Udichi at Jessore where at least 10 innocent people were killed on the spot. We were used to call it as a symbol of our Islamic revolution but the truth lied another places. After 16th December 1971 that is from the very beginning of our getting freedom we never saw any suicide attack for the sake of establishing Islam. But it happened after a few months of the declaration of the verdict. The matter attracts attention.

If we look back to 15th August 1975 we saw that the culprits unleashed themselves step by step. Khondoker Moshtaq Ahmed lost his undue achievement within a very short while. On the date of 6th November 1975 he was ousted by Khaled Mosharraf and A. S. M Sayem became the president. Things went well when the very date of 7th November 1975 Khaled Mosharraf was killed in the name of a revolution and Zia became free by Colonel Abu Taher. But situation became harder when Zia thought that He had no other way to survive and decided to be harsh to his rescuer. So, he was determined to remove Col. Abu Taher in order to remove the spirit of communism as well as socialism and also his to-be rival in the coming days. History proved that though the soul of Taher killed the veteran General but it is also true that the backbone of the communists were broken at that time.

Zia, a cool brain competent General as well as a politician, took time to be appeared in the scene. He became the Chief of Army Staff on 24th December 1975 that is after some days of assassination of Bongobondhu. Actually he was awarded in such a way. After tackling the shock of 3rd to 7th November he contemplated to finish his existing and to-be rivals. Keeping Mr. Sayem in his position he monitored the situation and completed his job tactfully. Actually, he was the real power powerhouse of the then Government. He became the CMLA on 19th November 1976. And finally the moment came and he assumed the presidency by retiring Mr. Sayem on 21st April 1977. An absolute era of a General started.

He continued as Chief of Army Staff till February 1979 when his obedient General Ershad took the responsibility. Actually Zia did not in need of holding this post no more. He became the elected president by an election held on 3rd June 1978. So, he had secured his position in the mean time. The situation became more favourable after establishing his political party BNP on 1st September 1978. So, all the deeds were done duly. There was no problem to handover the post of Chief of Army Staff to General Ershad in February 1979 when all the problems were fixed and there were none to challenge his power.

But situation changed. Zia died on 30th May 1981. General Ershad, the then power house, did not come to the scene directly. He set up Abdus Sattar as his representative. Mr. Abdus Sattar continued till 24th March 1982 when Ershad became the CMLA and A. F. M. Ahsanuddin Chowdhury became the president. He continued till 10th December 1983 when Ershad took the presidency. A new and absolute era of another General started. He continued till his fall by the upheaval of people on 6th December 1990.

Nothing exceptional till that time. No Islamic movement. Khaleda Zia of BNP came to the power and continued till 1996. But the problems occurred when the verdict declared on 8th November 1998. The attacks started in the name of Islam. So, what about the last 28 years! Where did they engage! What did they do during this long time! Question remained unanswered. They actually lay into the soul of Pakistan where they thought the lay in the past days. Second attack was taken place at Ahmadiya Mosque, Khulna, on October 8, 1999 where Eight people were killed. Diversification in style. A matter then could not be guessed but clear later. Third attack took the life of seven at the CPB rally at Paltan in Dhaka on January 20, 2001. First direct hit in a political rally. The motif is going to be cleared. Islamists wanted to pave their own way and their sponsors wanted to make their way.

The eyesight of the people was catch by the upcoming Islamic movement. So, they were become somehow pleased in their thoughts. But the reality was so far. They were not right at all. There was a deep dark plan. The plan was to save the life of the killers of Bongobondhu, war criminals, the killers of Jail Killing and others as well as finally to kill the rest members of the family of the father of the nation. The plan was going well. More attacks followed. At least 20 desperate and deadly attacks were launched till the date of 21st August 2004 in front of Awami league party office at Bongobondhu Avenue where 23 people were killed mercilessly. The then leader of opposition in the parliament and the president of Bangladesh Awami League Sheikh Hasina had a hair-breadth escape but Ivy Rahman, the wife of Zillur Rahman, later the president of Bangladesh died on the spot. Now if we go through the list of those attacks then it will be very clear to us that they were working to achive a long desired goal.

  1. Ten killed at Udichi function, Jessore, on March 6, 1999.
    2. Eight killed in Ahmadiya Mosque, Khulna, on October 8, 1999.
    3. Seven killed at the CPB rally at Paltan in Dhaka on January 20, 2001.
    4. Ten killed at the Pohela Boishakh function at Ramna in Dhaka on April 14, 2001.
    5. Ten killed in June 3, 2001 at a church in Gopalganj.
    6. Twenty-two killed at the AL office in Narayanganj on June 15, 2001.
    7. Eight killed at an AL rally in Bagerhat on September 23, 2001.
    8. Four killed at an AL rally in Sunamganj on September 26, 2001.
    9. Three killed in Satkhira Cinema hall blast on September 28, 2002.
    10. 21 killed at a cinema hall in Mymensingh on December 06, 2002.
    11. Seven left dead at Falai Peer Shrine, Tangail, on January 17, 2003.
    12. AL Leader Manjurul Imam killed in Khulna on August 25, 2003.
    13. Five killed at Hazrat Shahjalal Shrine, Sylhet, on January 12, 2004.
    14. Journalist Manik Saha killed in Khulna on January 15, 2004.
    15. Fatally injured in a bomb attack in Khulna on February 5, journalist
    Shaikh Belaluddin succumed to injuries on February 11, 2004.
    16. Three killed at Hazrat Shahjalal Shrine, Sylhet, on May 21, 2004.
    17. Journalist Humayun Kabir Balu killed in Khulna on June 27, 2004.
    18. One killed in a cinema hall in Sylhet on August 05, 2004.
    19. One killed at the mayor's meeting in Sylhet on August 07, 2004.
    20. Twenty-three killed at an AL rally in Dhaka on August 21, 2004.

What do we see? The list is crawling. It is crawing towards a old target in disguise. They tried to engage our thoughts in a different corner. But the truth is the truth. It reveals itself. Finally they attacked their target. Please think twice. In our sub-continent no movement were happened for Islamization. Islam was established here by the dedicated saints. They did it through a peaceful way. No bloodshed. No blast.


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