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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

Our journey towards something


Our journey towards something


So far I know, the history of Bengal, later East Pakistan and ultimately Bangladesh is nothing but the collection of some conflicts, contradictions and confiscations. If we look back to the period of 1757-1947, we found so many crucial events such as Battle of Plassey of 1757, Great Bengal Famine1770, Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, Partition of Bengal 1905, Annulment of partition of Bengal 1911, election for Partition of 1947 and so on. If we also look back to the period of 1947-1971, we found another so many crucial events such as language movement of ‘52, United Front election of ’54, fall of the United Front govt. within a very short period, Ayub Khan Regime, Mass Upheaval of ’69 and others. After getting freedom in 1971, for different periods, we did a lot of political deeds which only decry our position in the world map. What a peculiar nation we are? We got drunk from time to time and the whole world look at us with a great surprise and mocking. But we are shameless. We are going on.


On the date of 15th August 1975, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was brutally killed by the outcome of the history. On 3rd August, the historical Jail killing was committed, on the 7th November JSD lead Coup took place and produced Ziaur Rahman, in 1981, Ziaur Rahman died at Chittagong leaving unsolved clues, then Ershad reigned about 9 years and ousted by political uprising, the rising of various terrorist groups during the period of 2001-2005 and the attack of 63 districts by the so called Islamic militants at the same time, grenade attack of Bangabandhu Avenue and so on. We did a lot. We are nothing but brave Bengali nation. We can do anything when anyone can do nothing. It reminds me the so called wise words, “Fools rush where angels fear to trade in”.


The discussion may be long.  But it must be the waste of time. Now a day, some people are thinking that they are missing the lion’s share of the national treasures. As they do politics, they should get it. So, it is not the concern for the country. It is the concern for their own interest. They proved it in the past. So, there is no doubt that they will repeat it again. The issue of Islam is very negligible here. Some people are thinking that Islam will be established by a so called political party showing inclination to the Islam. Actually, Islamization of a country completely a different thing. Most of the people talk about changing the world but they do not agree to change themselves. The people who are talking about it, themselves are not Islamic minded people. The Jamaa’t E Islami is not in such a good position to command people whether BNP will never travel on this way. The civilian, actually those who seem very eager about Islamization, will never treat that way.


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NAZRUL ISLAM MAZUMDER The choice of the time “The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.” -          Shiv Shing # NASSA GROUP # 30,000 employees #EXIM Bank # 3,000 employees And so on……….. A Biography By OMAR KHALED RUMI M. Sc., MBA, LL.B     ...................................................... “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”    - Napoleon Hill   ...................................................... Prlogue Like another man Nazrul Islam Mazunder is also a man. But, how he has made some stories of success. Why people consider him as a special. Why he is applaused as Philanthropic in mind, dynamic in thinking, far-sighted in vision. There must some reasons. The reason is what he wanted himself he has been now. Mazumder, a conglomerate icon, in no way, a trifle name. His success, over years, mak