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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

Sassanid-Roman conflict and its influence on the spreading of Islam


In verses 1 to 6 of Sura Ar-Room of the holy Quran, Kind Allah informed Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S) about the defeat of the People of The Book i.e., Romans who received the holy book and they would win within a shorter period of time. At the same time victory of the Muslims was also informed saying, “And that day Muslims will be delighted, for support from Allah.” Initially, Persian Sassanid Emperor Khusrau Parvez miserably defeated the Romans and subsequently, Roman Emperor Heraclius again defeated Khusrau and recovered the empire. Those chronologies covered a long 27 years from 602 to 628. However, those chronologies were deeply linked with the spreading and preaching of Islam. There was also a link of soul. We would slowly focus on those facts with the view to striving to conceptualize the deep meaning and substance of those. Prior to receiving Prophethood in 602, Roman Emperor Morris was ousted by his loyal Focus. Focus behaved so cruelly, that he not only expelled Morris from power, he cut off the heads of his five sons in front of him and sentenced Morris to death. After a couple of days, his empress and three daughters were also sentenced to death.


This incident provided a logical sequence for Persian Emperor Khusrau Parvez to attack the Roman Empire. Basically, a sense of personal gratefulness pushed Khusrau Parvez to attack the Roman Empire. Because he became Persian Emperor with the support of Emperor Morris. Khusrau Parvez didn’t forget such debt. He decided to take stern revenge for the deadly killing of Emperor Morris and his near and dear ones. He started an expedition against the Roman Empire in 603 CE. Within a span of a few years, he conquered Edessa (currently known as Orff) of Asia Minor in one hand and captured up to Antioch of Syria. While courtiers of Focus observed that, Focus would not be able to save and protect the country, they elected Heraclius, governor of Africa, as the Emperor. Heraclius was treated with Focus, just as Focus behaved with Morris. All those incidents took place in 610 CE, exactly in the same year, Muhammad (s) received prophethood from kind and almighty Allah. Khusrau Parvez could negotiate a contract with the new emperor, but without doing so he continued attacking. Heraclius failed to protect the expedition of Khusrau Parvez. In 613 CE Damascus was captured by Khusrau and in 614 CE Jerusalem was occupied by Emperor Khusrau Parvez. The attack on Jerusalem by Khusrau sprinkled hundreds of Christians in Jerusalem. More than 90 thousand Christians were killed and Khusrau took away the so-called main cross (the cross that was used to crucify Jesus Christ). All temples of the city were destroyed and the chief priest was imprisoned. Khusrau Parvez, arrogantly wrote a letter to Heraclius, saying “If your creator is so powerful, why he didn’t save/protect Jerusalem from my hand?” Within the next year, Khusrau conquered Jordan, and the entire Sinai Peninsula of Palestine, and reached up to the border of Egypt. Right at this moment, the Muslims of Mecca were fighting with infidels (Kafir). In 615 CE, a group of Muslims took asylum in Habash state ruled by the Christian ruler, Habash was the friendly state of the Byzantine Empire. At that time, the Muslims of Mecca often told, us how Persian fire-worshippers would vanish the Christians, and we would kill them similarly. And in such perspective, kind Allah descended Sura Ar-Rum and provided good news about the victory of the Muslims.


At that time, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) declared 8 8-year bet (Even then betting was not forbidden in Islam) over the victory of the Byzantines. 8 years almost passed; neither the Romans nor the Muslims could progress in the battle. Rather both groups tolerated tremendous attacks and became weak at bay. It sensed that the expectation for victory was getting haggard day by day. In 619 CE, Egypt was captured by the Persians. It is important to mention here that, in 617 CE, Khusrau appeared at the opposite bank of the Bosphorus and asked Emperor Heraclius to surrender. The powerless emperor left Constantinople and took shelter at Karthez, which is currently known as Tunis. At that time, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) extended the period of his bet up to ten years and the number of camels was increased up to 100. In 622 CE, Prophet Muhammad (s) migrated from Mecca to Medina. At the same time, Heraclius secretly crossed the Black Sea and started moving towards Trabzon. By attacking Armenia in 623 CE, he began attacking against Persian Empire. In 624 CE, he attacked Azerbaijan and became successful in destroying Korumia, which was the main worshipping spot of fire worshippers. With the mercy of kind Allah, the Muslims won the battle of Badr over the infidels (Kafir), the most important victory in Islamic history. As such both the prophecies stated in the holy Quran came true within ten years of the period. In 627 CE, the Byzantines conducted the largest hit to Persia in the battle of Nineveh. Khusrau Parvez along with his 18 sons were killed through a palace conspiracy, Heraclius continued his expedition of victory. Kobad, son of Khusrau set up Holy Cross at the main temple of Jerusalem.


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