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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

Imad Uddin Zengi

 Aak Sunkur Al Hazib was the father of Imad Uddin Zengi and was the governor of Seljuk of Aleppo covering from 1086 to 1094 CE. He acted under the guidance of the great Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah. We all know that Malik Shah was the son of the great hero Alp Arslan, winner of the battle of Manjikart. One thing that should be mentioned here is that the Byzantine force was defeated by Alp Arslan in the historic battle of Manjikart in 1071 CE. Just one year later in 1072 CE, Alp Arslan was killed by Yousuf Al Kharezmi and Malik Shah became Sultan of the great Seljuk Empire. After the death of Malik Shah in 1092 CE, His son Barkiaruk became Sultan of the great Seljuk Empire.


Since that time, Aak Sunkur has been playing the role of governor under the guidance of Barkiaruk. In 1094 CE, Tutush, brother of Malik Shah, desired to oust Barkiaruk to hold power, but sensing to probable attack of Aak Sunkur, he invited Aak Sunkur to join him. Aak Sunkur was well aware that as a man Tutush was not good. He initially couldn’t avoid the request of Tutush and joined with him and at a suitable time he left Tutush and joined with Barkiaruk. Tutush sustained defeat in the battle after a couple of days, Tutush, with a large force attacked and killed Aak Sunkur. When this incident took place, Imad Uddin Zengi was an adolescent boy of ten years of age.


At that time, Zengi left Aleppo and moved to a friend of his father Karbuga at Massul. Under the guidance of Karbuga, young Zengi participated in a number of face-to-face fights to gain initial experience. It is worth mentioning here that, during the lifetime of Karbuga, the Crusaders conquered Antioch and set up the second Crusade state after Edessa. However, it is uncertain, whether Imad Uddin Zengi participated in conflict with the Crusaders or not. As Karbuga died in 1102 CE, Zakarmish was appointed governor of Massul. He was also a friend of Aak Sunkur, father of Zengi. In 1106 CE, Zakarmish was dismissed and insane Zaowli Sakao was deployed as administrator. Within a year Zaowli rebelled and at that time Sultan Muhammad was the sultan of Seljuk. Unlike his father, Imad Uddin Zengi was loyal to the Sultan. Therefore, despite being senior directly, leaving Zaowli, he joined with the Sultan & controlled the rebellion.


We still recall that the father of Zengi commenced similarly and abiding by truth and justice, he left Tutush and joined with Barkiaruk. Within a shorter span of time, he became the prey of revenge on Tutush and lost his life. Zengi was about to gain a similar experience and he also chose the path of truth and justice like his father and joined with Sultan Muhammad leaving Zaowli and with the grace of Allah he won the fight. Sultan Muhammad became very pleased with him and applauded his contribution openly. The reputation of Zengi was spreading all over. Zaowli was in power for merely one year and after the fall of Sakau, great personality Mowdud Bin Tuntekin (rah) became governor of Massul. He had been in power for 6 years from 1107 CE to 1113 CE. On the other hand, after the death of Sultan Barkiaruk in 1105 CE, Muhammad became Sultan and held power up to 1118 CE.


In 1113 CE, Zengi profoundly achieved success by participating in battle and joining with Mowdud Bin Tuntekin. His reputation spread here and there. After a few days, Mowdud Bin Tuntekin breathed his last. In 1113 CE, Aak Sunkur Al Bursuki became administrator of Massul which lasted for two years only. In 1115 CE, Aak Sunkur Al Bursuki was replaced by Juyush Beg.


It is important to keep in mind that, in his shorter period of power Aak Sunkur Al Bursuki advanced several attacks on the Crusaders. He, along with Imad Uddin Zengi, seized Edessa, Sumaisat and Saruj. Due to such expeditions against the Crusaders, the reputation of Imad Uddin Zengi spread all over the Islamic world. As Juyush Beg rebelled in 1121 CE, Zengi adhered to Seljuk Sultan Mahmud which enhanced his dignity as Sultan.


In 1122 CE, Aak Sunkur Al Bursuki was again appointed administrator of Massul providing him with scope to work together with him. The period from 1122 CE to 1127 CE, was very important to Zengi while he discharged a number of great responsibilities. He couldn’t work under the guidance of Al Bursuki for a longer period; Sultan Mahmud brought him to the Durbar. Zengi got married there and was given the responsibility of looking after the princes and imparting religious and military training to them. He also discharged the responsibility of the security chief of Iraq. In 1127 CE, the sultan appointed him as Atabik (administrator) of the conquered areas of Massul, Jazira, and Shyam. As such, the Zengi kingdom emerged as the pioneer and strongest force in combat against the Crusaders.


In 1130 CE, Imad Uddin conquered the Asarib fort under Antioch, a kingdom of the Crusaders. As Sultan Mahmud the Second expired in 1131 CE, turmoil erupted among the successors. In this scope, Zengi stepped toward Bagdad but was defeated by the soldiers of the caliph.


In 1134 CE, he joined with Artukid sultan Timurtash so that, he could assist Timurtash against Timurtash’s cousin Rukun Ud Dola Daud.


In 1135 CE, Zengi extended his hands of cooperation in response to the invitation of Sham Sul Mulk of Damascus. After the death of Father Buri, Sham Sul Mulk was at risk from near and dear ones. However, killed Mother Zumur Rud in order to save Damascus. Shihab Al Deen captured the throne.


At the request of Bagdad, Zengi left Damascus. On the way to Aleppo, Zengi seized Homes. Zengi was reluctant to rule there. Shihab Al-Deen, at that time, sent Muin Uddin Unur as a ruler who was capable of managing the situation. In 1246 CE, Zengi was assassinated by his Christian servant.


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