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Fabricare receipt 01 08 2024

Conditions that make Hire-Purchase under Shirkatul Melk Valid (collected)

Hire purchase under Shirkatul Milk is a legitimate transaction from the Shari'ah point of view subject to taking into consideration the following conditions:
(a) That the asset desired by the client is first purchased by the bank and the client jointly. The ownership to the asset shall be as per equity participation of, the bank and the client. Rent will accrue only after delivery of the asset to the lessee in usable condition/good order.
(b) That after purchase of the asset the risk of the asset is borne by both the owners, the bank and the client lessee. This is true until such time that the asset is actually delivered to the client lessee in accordance with the other specifications and terms of the contract.
(c) That the specifications of the asset, delivery date, time and place and other terms of the contract are ensured.
Deviation from any of the above conditions will result in the transaction being one based on interest, which is not Shari'ah approved.


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