NAZRUL ISLAM MAZUMDER The choice of the time “The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.” - Shiv Shing # NASSA GROUP # 30,000 employees #EXIM Bank # 3,000 employees And so on……….. A Biography By OMAR KHALED RUMI M. Sc., MBA, LL.B ...................................................... “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” - Napoleon Hill ...................................................... Prlogue Like another man Nazrul Islam Mazunder is also a man. But, how he has made some stories of success. Why people consider him as a special. Why he is applaused as Philanthropic in mind, dynamic in thinking, far-sighted in vision. There must some reasons. The reason is what he wanted himself he has been now. Mazumder, a conglomer...
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